1. Hello Lenny welcome back for Part 2 of the interview how are you and how have things been going?
Lenny- I'm good thanks. All has been crazy but a good crazy. Hope all has been well withyou.
2. What's an average day like on tour?
Lenny-An average day on tour is arriving to the venue, sound checking, doing interviews,viewing and settling in our dressing room and most importantly finding out what's up
with the young food situation lol! And then of course getting mentally ready to
murder the stage.
3. Will you ever do song covers on YouTube? I know your fans would love to see
that happen.
Lenny-I did a few covers a while back. They're still on youtube somewhere. It's funnycause I've been thinking about doing it again for fun.
4. What makes a good session for Lenny Harold? Describe to us what happens
with you in the studio.
Lenny-Well a good session is when the lyrics flow naturally and the energy in the room isgood. A great session is when everything flows from some place heavenly. Energy,
music and lyrics…even down to recording. Just recently I was in the studio and
this song flowed out of no where so beautifully that me and the producer, Cass,
was like this right here, is gonna be insane. The melody, the lyrics, the music just
all connected. It's gotta be a magical feeling, you know?
5. Boxers or Briefs?
Lenny-What?! Lol! Boxer briefs when I'm wearing underwear, uh oh! Lol!!
6. Do you censor yourself? Have you ever written anything and then said, new
that's was too harsh?
Lenny-I do censor myself sometimes. It all depends on the song. Sometimes somethingscan be do much. I've never written anything that was harsh, just too much. It has to
make sense to the story you're writing. You have to respect the song, it has it's
own identity.
7. Any musician, living or dead, who would be in your dream band?
Lenny-Hmmm, who would be in my dream band?? I would have to say Slash or Jimmy Hendricks. Even though they're artist themselves would love to work with them.8. When making love socks on or off?
Lenny-Yo, these questions though, lol! It all depends, I mean sometimes you don't evencare to take off socks. Most of the time, off though lol
9. When can we get a new Lenny Harold album, EP or single? The fans want that
from you?
Lenny-I'm working on some things as we speak. Hopefully soon. Don't want to put a dateon anything yet, but what I've been working on is dope!!
10. What Artist are you listening too lately?
Lenny-I've been listening to Kelela a lot!! Her music is so dope, her melodies, her writingand her voice I love. The production is insane.
11. What five songs that you ever did that you are the most of proud of?
Lenny-Awesome question. Uhm, it would be "Tears For The Ghetto" produced byArmando Colon, "I Did It" produced by CalQulated Music,"Gold" produced by A-natural,"Love At The End" produced by Cass and "Wild West" produced by
Cass….damn I'd also have to say "Into the Gray" produced by Cass. I know
there's some material that hasn't been heard that's on this list. Just know those
songs are meaningful and/or really creative!
12. Lenny Harold(The artist) Vs Lenny Harold (The person)?
Lenny-They're the same morally but Lenny the person is shy as Lenny the artist is hellaoutgoing and more fun. They come out when needed. They have other names
though lol
13. Is there any male/female singers you personally know that you would love to
collab with? If so, who?
Lenny-I'd love to collab with Ro James, Antonique and Word Spit. If you don't know these
artist, PLEASE look them up!! They're crazy dope!
14. For our readers who have never heard your music, explain your sound in 5
Lenny-Experience the Journal of Wonders.
15. You write all of your own music; where do you draw inspiration from when you
write songs and what’s your favorite part about that process?
Lenny-Yeah, 95% of what you hear I write. I love to collab with other writers but I have to
connect with them. It can't be the coming together to try and make a hit. It has to be
coming together in respect for the music first and then the feeling afterwards.
Favorite part of the process is when you record it and the story is painted and
ready to be viewed by the audience.
16. Will there be a video for "I Did It"?
Lenny-Yes, there will be. Been having trouble finding the right location for one particular
17. What motto do you live by day by day?
Lenny-"The way to move out of judgment is to move in to gratitude," it's even tatted on my
18. Would you ever do reality TV?
Lenny-No. I don't like how you become a character based off your own life. I'll do a guest
spot but nothing just on me.
19. What do you think about the state of music and the music industry today?
Lenny-I think it's finally changing. I love that genres are so meshed together that music is
starting to become just what it is, MUSIC. I love that r&b is being respected again
and I love that song writing has gained a little more depth. There's a creative that
doesn't give a fuck and just makes music. I LOVE that!
20. Some advice to people who want to follow your path. What are three things you
should never do in this business?
Lenny-Never burn bridges, you never know who you'll need later in life. Don't think you
know it all, everything is a learning experience. Never just sign a contract without
having a proper lawyer look over it.
21. A relax day in the house, when u have time, what does that consistent of?
Lenny-Doing absolutely nothing. Laying in bed watching movies. It's what life is all about